Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Hits Keep Coming!

 Just released at the end of July are two more Sher Music books - Contemporary Latin Jazz Guitar, Vol.2, by Neff Irizarry and The Jimmy Raney Book written by Jimmy Raney and his son Jon.

If you are familiar with Neff Irizarry's first volume, you won't need any encouragement to check out Vol.2 - it's even more amazing than his initial book and includes transcription and analysis of over 50 classic solos in the genre. 'Nuff said.

Jimmy Raney was a legendary bebop guitarist in the '50s and '60s, playing with Stan Getz, Bob Brookmeyer and many more. He wrote a book on his conceptions of what makes bebop such an exciting form of music but it was unfinished after his death until his son, pianist Jon Raney decided to complete, edit and expand the book earlier this year. Among other things, it is the most detailed look at the rhythmic aspect of creating fluid bebop lines that I've ever seen. Definitely worth your time to check it out. 

On a personal note, our local newspaper here in Petaluma, CA, the Argus Courier, did a feature article on me and the free, outdoor jazz concert series I started at the beginning of the pandemic - still going strong in our fourth season (many thanks to Jamey Aebersold and Music in Place for their crucial financial support) - Despite spinal injury, bassist Chuck Sher keeps the music playing - The Petaluma Argus-Courier ( They spelled my name correctly but refused to put photos of Leonardo di Caprio in there instead of me - can't have everything! - Chuck Sher

P.S. The quartet with Michael Spiro, David Belove, Ken Cook and Kendrick Freeman will return on Sunday, October 6th - fantastic music!

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