Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Two New Sher Music Books for 2024!

We are thrilled to have just released two cool new jazz books, "365 Days of Practice" by saxophonist Rick Margitza and "Walking Bass Line Construction - F Blues" by Bob Sinicrope. Both can be seen at www.shermusic.com and both have audio files on our website to accompany the books.

Rick's book is some high-level jazz educational material, consisting of short exercises for each day of a year. As Richie Beirach wrote: "This book is a great idea because it makes practicing a kind of ritual. It can be so interesting to practice using Rick’s method!" One of the valuable things in the book is that Rick has an 11-page introduction outlining in detail the practice method both he and Mike Brecker learned from their teacher in Miami, Gary Campbell. The examples themselves are often totally unique sounding and it will definitely open up your ears and musical mind to work on each one.

I have been friends with Bob Sinicrope for many years since he was one of the founders of the Jazz Education Network, JEN, and its past president. His book is part of a series of beginning methods for learning how to walk correct bass lines, starting from playing just roots up to sample choruses in the style of bassists from 'Pops' Foster to Ron Carter. Band directors will find this to be super useful in getting their rhythm sections up and running in a hurry.

I have to give a shout out to my webmaster and bandmate, Bob Afifi, who is crucial to Sher Music's ability to function in the modern world. I'm pretty much a technophobe but Bob is super conversant with that world. I couldn't function without his invaluable assistance. Thanks, Bob!

Finally, thanks to all of you who are supporters of our work here. I feel that we have been given a mission to keep jazz (and Latin Jazz) moving forward into the 21st century. There have been too many fortuitous events in the last 45 years for our successes to have been merely accidental. So a heartfelt thanks to the Universe for letting us serve the greater good by helping to keep our beautiful art form alive and well. Have a great 2024! - Chuck Sher


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