Thursday, November 7, 2019

November Holiday Overstock sale!

Well, the Holidays are approaching and Sher Music is having a 1/3 off sale on selected books for horn players that we have overstock of. These include some transposed versions of The New Real Books (Vol.1-3), the Standards Real Book and several method books. If you are a horn player, these are the lowest prices we've ever had on these world-class books and they also would make great presents for your horn player friends. The sale last the whole month of November - see for details and have a great Holiday season! -  Chuck Sher & the Sher Music team.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

40th Anniversary sale!

In case you haven't heard, Sher Music turned 40 years old this year and we are having a big sale to celebrate -  50% off on all digital downloads, starting August 15 and running through September 1st. All of our method books are available in digital form and some of our fake books too. Spread the word & thanks for making Sher Music the most widely-respected jazz and Latin music book publisher in the world since 1979! Peace - Chuck Sher

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

New for 2019 Election season - Lester Young for President T-shirt

Being a political junkie, I spend a chunk of every day keeping up on the news of the bizarre situation on our planet here and the attached t-shirt idea came to me.

I gave the idea to my artistically talented daughter, Ani, and we now have t-shirts for sale at

Speaking of crucial decisions, I wrote the following letter to the editor which has now been printed in 23 newspapers, nation-wide. I hope you find it useful &/or enlightening. If so, please pass it on. Peace - Chuck Sher

"What Will Our Children Say?" 

The last year or two has seen an unusual number of U.S. natural disasters: major hurricanes, massive Midwest floods, way too many deadly tornadoes, severe wildfires, subzero cold spells, some of the hottest years on record, etc. The rest of the world has likewise suffered increasing droughts, desertification, melting glaciers, typhoons, flooding, heat waves, etc.

These phenomena are not unrelated. The vast majority of climate scientists say they are the beginning effects of 'climate disruption' that will, without question, get significantly worse in the foreseeable future. For the next 11 years, according to the latest reports from scientists at both the UN and the US government, we have the chance to ensure that the worst case scenarios do not come to pass, by de-carbonizing our economies. (For more information, see David Wallace-Wells on YouTube.)

Each additional degree of global warming will make the extreme weather we've already seen many, many times worse for future generations (as well as creating untold millions of climate refugees). But it can be turned around, and must be, starting now.  This is no joke, no hoax, but rather a deadly serious, long-term, life-threatening emergency.

Instead of denial, we need to ask ourselves one serious question: What will our children and grandchildren say about us 30 or 50 years from now? Will they curse us for willfully ignoring the clear signs of the impending destruction of a reasonably livable planet for them? This question requires our active attention.